A real benefit that your team deserves

Financial counselling

  • Investments, retirement savings
  • Insurance, financial products consultancy
  • Financial, debt and budget issues
  • Family budgets
  • Repayment plans
  • Foreclosures
  • “personal bankruptcy”

of Czechs currently repaying some type of loan


behaves “risky” when taking on debt

every th

Czech solves financial problems

Financial counselling

We are here to support you on budget, investment and debt issues. Financial and debt counselling is available for anyone who wants to resolve budget related issues.

Our specialists are qualified financial advisers and social workers who can provide one-to-one help with debt problems, budgeting, personal finance management and other personal finance related issues.

Services cover a wide range of finance-related topics – from debt management and budget optimisation, to savings and investment planning, to advice on loans and mortgages. We can help you take control of your finances.

Interested in financial counselling as an employee benefit?

I’m interested

Non-binding inquiry

Jana Sedláková

EAP Product manager

At Assessment Systems, she focuses exclusively on the Employee Assistance Program from crisis intervention to organization and promotion to product development.


+420 731 050 044

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    Our services

    • Psychological counselling
    • Legal advice
    • Financial and debt counselling
    • Social counselling
    • Medical counselling


    Satisfied employees

    A satisfied employee is an effective employee who also contributes to a good atmosphere in the workplace.

    Saves costs

    Saves unnecessary costs associated with stress, burnout and employee turnover.

    Employer branding

    EAP is a great benefit that will ease your path to new employees and make your brand stand out.