Assessment Systems


If you are interested in counselling, please contact us on the number provided by your employer or at


Non-binding inquiry

Jana Sedláková

EAP Product manager

At Assessment Systems, she focuses exclusively on the Employee Assistance Program from crisis intervention to organization and promotion to product development.

+420 731 050 044

    Tento web je chráněn reCAPTCHA a platí zásady ochrany osobních údajů a podmínky služby Google.

    * Povinné pole

    Our services

    • Psychological counselling
    • Legal advice
    • Financial and debt counselling
    • Social counselling
    • Medical counselling


    Satisfied employees

    A satisfied employee is an effective employee who also contributes to a good atmosphere in the workplace.

    Saves costs

    Saves unnecessary costs associated with stress, burnout and employee turnover.

    Employer branding

    EAP is a great benefit that will ease your path to new employees and make your brand stand out.


    Assessment Systems Czech Republic

    Zirkon Office Center
    Sokolovská 131/86
    186 00 Prague
    Czech Republic

    +420 270 004 651