A real benefit that your team deserves

Medical assistance

Give your employees the opportunity to deal with difficult and complicated life situations with their heads up.

They’ll give it back!


average duration of temporary incapacity for work

Up to %

of Czechs suffer from heart disease

every th

Czech suffers from burnout syndrome

Online medical counselling

We can secure the services of uLékaře.cz, which will provide you with medical counselling. We will give you easy and convenient access to specialists who can advise you and answer all kinds of questions about your health.

The service allows you to get in touch with a doctor and you can ask a specific question or arrange a consultation directly online on the uLékaře.cz platform.

We want your health to always come first. Thanks to uLékaře.cz, you will always have reliable experts at your hand. The team of doctors is ready to help you and provide the care you may need.

Your new medical specialist at your fingertips.

  • Consultancy is provided through our partner uLékaře
  • Online counselling with health problems
  • Making appointments with specialist doctors

u Lékaře

Health is the business of every company
An original employee service that will make it much easier for your colleagues to take care of their health, saving them and your company time.

We advise your employees on health issues.
We can arrange doctor’s appointments, anywhere.
We take care of your healthy life – through prevention.


Satisfied employees

Satisfied employees can quickly resolve their problems with the EAP and can focus better on their work.

Saves costs

Save on the costs associated with stress, burnout and employee turnover.

Employer branding

Building a good name will ease the path to new employees and make your company stand out.

Non-binding inquiry

Jana Sedláková

EAP Product manager

At Assessment Systems, she focuses exclusively on the Employee Assistance Program from crisis intervention to organization and promotion to product development.


+420 731 050 044

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