Mutual assistance
What I can do for the other

Psychological first aid
“Lucka is having a hard time right now, I would like to support her, but I don’t know what to say to her. I’m afraid that I might make things worse…”
All of us at some time or another are in a situation where someone close to us is going through a difficult time in their life. Often in such a situation we wonder how to behave, how best to help the other person, what to do or not to do. We will guide you through useful psychological first aid techniques based on the basics of crisis intervention. You will learn how to communicate with a person in crisis, what professional psychological help is available and how to remember your own psychological well-being.
Diseases of soul
“I’m not crazy. I’m not in such a bad way that I should go to a psychologist. Everybody gets depressed sometimes. Don’t you?”
There are many myths and stigmas associated with mental illness even today. How do I know if I am depressed and not just in a bad mood? What is the difference between a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist? What does psychotherapy actually look like and in what situation should I go there? At what point can medication help? What about panic attacks, hearing voices, autism, or OCD?

Other topics on offer
- Partner communication
- Death and Mourning
- Self-harm and suicide
- Parenting